Natural Skeleton is a personal hobby business and is located in San Antonio, Texas. I offer a decent amount of preservation options but mainly I like to articulate the skeletons. Bones are rendered with a non-chemical approach that leaves the bone structure complete and strong, resulting in greater durability


 and a longer shelf life for your specimens. I assist Collectors, Educators, Foundations, and the Personal Owner.

 Updating as much as I can, apologies if you encounter any issues.

Most of my work tours the interest of many different parties. I consider this a taxidermy service that only articulates skeletons. So as far as the view point of this busin0b2b48b6-7bd9-4a38-905b-35b1fed51d0c_zpsb8ecc215ess, I stand that no animals that are harvested for fur are sold on this site and are also not offered at all. Animals are harvested Post-Mortem, or Already Deceased, we do NOT purchase living animals to process into bone products. Questions are welcome and I usually reply quickly. 😉

Love the animals in your life. Commonly I receive animals for processing that have a special purpose. From the moment I get a call or email that concerns an animal that has potential for enrollment into the education program, I am 100% committed to seeing that from receiving to completion of its display, that hedge familyanimal will be a ambassador of its species for the sole purpose of its benefit. The original owner can happily be updated on the progress of the one they knew that was alive.